Peer Research Consultants

PRCs are currently on break! The PRC service will resume appointments Fall Semester, 2024.

Peer Research Consultants (PRCs) are students trained to help you with research papers or assignments. They can also help you get started with faculty-sponsored research.

Appointments will resume Fall Semester

Try a self-paced research paper class: Successful Research Papers, a module on This module builds the following skills: topic building, forming research questions, choosing keywords to build an effective search, finding high-quality sources using library search tools like databases, and evaluating search results and sources.

For immediate help with library research, chat with a librarian 24x7

For immediate assistance with faculty-sponsored research (like UROP), please contact the Office of Undergraduate Research.

What to expect

One-on-one appointments with a PRC are available starting week 1 of the semester.

Before, during, and after a consultation

Before the consultation

  • For online consultations: Find the link to your PRC's Zoom Room in the appointment confirmation email.        For in-person appointments in Walter Library: Your PRC will be in the Tutoring and Academic Success Center, room 204 Walter Library on the East Bank Campus.For in-person appointments in the Health Sciences Library: Your PRC will be on the 5th floor, room PWB 5-171.For in-person appointments in MCAE: Your PRC will be in the MCAE Tutoring Room, 141 Appleby Hall (enter the front door of Appleby and take a right into MCAE)
  • Learn what your assignment includes and what the instructor expects.
  • Come with ideas about what topics or research areas interest you.
  • Think of the questions that you have about your research project/paper. This allows for a smoother consultation.
  • Bring the assignment, any completed work, and the course syllabus.

During the consultation

  • If meeting in-person, PRCs have table signs - find your PRC!
  • If meeting online, login to your UMN email and find the link to your PRC's Zoom Room in the appointment confirmation email. Be prepared to share your screen so the PRC can help with your research.
  • The consultation: discussion of your assignment and where you are in the process. The PRC can help brainstorm ideas, find resources offered by the Libraries’ web page, or demonstrate ways to navigate databases effectively. You decide what to cover and talk about with the PRC. The meeting is relaxed.        
    • Consultations are typically 30 minutes.

After the session

  • The PRC sends a summary email listing databases, articles, or resources discussed during the consultation.
  • The email includes a request for evaluation.

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Meet the PRCs


Hi! I'm a junior double majoring in Biology, Society, and Environment and Political Science with a minor in Spanish. I love hiking, dogs, traveling, and baking! Here at the U I am involved in student organizations like club softball, intramurals, PIH, UPSA. Additionally, I work as a research assistant for two different projects on topics related to heath, policy, and law.


Hi there! I’m a rising junior majoring in English and adding on Strategic Communications. In my free time, you can find me reading my favorite book for the millionth time, watching a Formula 1 race, or writing for a motorsport agency I work with. I’m excited to learn about and help you with your research topics!

PRC Nate


Hi! I'm a junior majoring in Political Science. I love listening to music, going on walks, writing, and playing games with friends. I am also an officer in the esports club here. I am excited to help make research make more sense.


Hi! I'm a junior in Chemical Engineering. I enjoy reading, traveling, and taking walks! I'm an officer in AIChe and I'm involved in research about nanomaterials for cancer treatment.


Hey! I'm a second year majoring in Architecture with a minor in Landscape Planning and Design. I'm currently a member of the WAM collective, as well as the Context Committee of UMN's Engineering Without Borders chapter. I also like to go curling with our very own Curling Club! I enjoy reading, listening to different types of music, and hanging out with my friends. I'm very excited to see the research projects you'll bring to the table!

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About the program

Peer Research Consultants help you:

  • Choose good keywords and databases for searching
  • Find and evaluate scholarly articles
  • Narrow down your paper topic and create research questions
  • Navigate the Libraries website
  • Explore undergraduate research opportunities and provide tips for finding a research mentor

Meet with a Peer Research Consultant (PRC) when you have a research paper or assignment for class and need help with it. It is best to meet earlier than later.

All PRCs have completed the WRIT 1301 course (or similar) with a grade of B or higher. The PRCs also train to develop their information literacy, tutoring, and cultural competency skills. 

Any student is encouraged to meet with a PRC to improve their research skills. The program targets:

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Program goals

Provide academic support for University of Minnesota undergraduates and to support the University of Minnesota's Student Learning Outcomes, specifically:

  • identify, define, and solve problems
  • locate and critically evaluate information

Support the vision developed by the Office for Equity and Diversity. The priority areas identified for this program are:

  • improve campus climate for diverse students, faculty, staff and visitors
  • engage internal and external communities in looking at strategies for the retention and success of diverse students

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For questions about the PRC program

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