Using our collections
There are multiple ways to find archival collections using the collection search tools to conduct your search.
Collection search tools
Collection guides
An archival collection guide, sometimes called a finding aid, is guide to a group of archival records, personal papers, or manuscripts. It may be a brief summary, or a detailed description and inventory. The collection guide describes the origin, extent, dates, contents, topics, and organization of the records.
Digital collections
Our digital collections are housed in UMedia, an online platform for digitized archival material. It includes digitized images, media, and records from Archives and Special Collections.
Please note that not all of our materials have been digitized.
Libraries catalog
The University of Minnesota Libraries catalog will include catalog information for rare and special books, periodicals, and other publications held by our units.
Research guides
Research guides are lists of recommended resources around a subject that are curated by archivist and curators with subject-specific knowledge.
Reproductions, citations, and copyright
Learn more about rights
Historical language in archival description
A statement on language used to describe historical documents
Reading room policies
Current policies and procedures for appointments and using the reading room to view collection materials
Contact us
- List of contact information
- Address, phone numbers, and email addresses for collections