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The Children's Literature Research Collections is open to the public, but supervised use by researchers is confined to the Elmer L. Andersen Library Reading Room, and all materials must be pulled in advance by a staff person. Information on finding books or archival material is below.

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To find books, please search the University of Minnesota Library catalog.

Looking for children's books you can check out?

Everything held at the CLRC must be viewed on-site. If you are looking for a circulating children's collection on campus, the College of Education and Human Development hosts a small Curriculum Library in Peik Hall.

For larger circulating collections of children's literature, we recommend checking out your local public library.

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Collection guides

This list contains archival collections at the CLRC, including authors and illustrators whose original materials are held in the Kerlan Collection. The link will redirect you to the collection's inventory.

For information on how to directly search our collection guide database (such as for keyword searching), including searching guides from across all of the Archives and Special Collections units, see the LibGuide Searching Archival Collections Guides.

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Cady, Harrison 
Caines, Jeanette (Franklin)
Caldecott, Randolph 
Calhoun, Mary 
Calvert, Patricia 
Cameron, Ann 
Cameron, Eleanor
Campbell, Virginia
Campion, Nardi Reeder
Canales, Viola 
Canfield, Jane White 
Caras, Roger A. 
Carbone, Elisa Lynn
Carle, Eric
Carlsen, Ruth Christoffer 
Carlson, Nancy L. 
Carlson, Natalie Savage
Carmer, Elizabeth Black
Carr, Mary Jane
Carrick, Carol
Carrick, Donald
Carroll, Lewis
Carter, Helene
Carty, Leo 
Casanova, Mary
Cassedy, Sylvia
Cassel-Wronker, Lili 
Castaneda, Omar S.
Castaldo, Nancy
Castagnetta, Grace and Hendrik Van Loon
Catalanotto, Peter
Caudill, Rebecca
Cavanah, Frances
Cazin, Lorraine J.
Chaconas, Dori
Chafetz, Henry 
Chaikin, Miriam 
Chall, Marsha Wilson 
Chalmers, Audrey 
Chalmers, Mary
Chang, Margaret Scrogin
Chandler, Edna Walker
Chanslor, Marjorie Torrey 
Charlip, Remy 
Chapman, Frederick T.
Chapman, Jane 
Chappell, Warren 
Charlot, Jean
Chastain, Madye Lee 
Chee, Cheng-Khee 
Cheesman, Lilian
Chen, Justina
Chen, Tony 
Cheney, Cora 
Cheney, Richard E.
Children's Literature Publisher Catalogs
Children's Literature Stamp Collection
Chilly, John L. 
Chmielarz, Sharon
Chodos-Irvine, Margaret
Choldenko, Gennifer 
Christelow, Eileen 
Christensen, Nadia and Neil Hollander
Christgau, Alice E. 
Christiana, David
Christopher, John
Christopher, Matt 
Chrustowski, Rick 
Chute B. J. (Beatrice Joy) 
Chute, Marchette Gaylord 
Ciavonne, Jean
Clapp, Patricia 
Clark, Ann Nolan 
Clark, Clara Gillow
Clark, Willard 
Clarke, Arthur Charles
Cleary, Beverly
Cleaver, Vera and Bill 
Clifford, Eth 
Climo, Shirley
Cline-Ransome, Lesa
Clymer, Eleanor

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Sachar, Louis
Sachs, Marilyn
Sage, Michael
Saint James, Synthia
Salas, Laura Purdie
Saldana, Rene
Salem, Mary Miller
Salisbury, Graham
Sallis, Susan
Salomon, Julian Harris 
Samson, Anne Stringer 
Sandberg, Lasse 
Sandin, Joan
Sauer, Julia Lina
Saviozzi, Adriana Mazza
Scarry, Richard 
Schachner, Erwin
Schick, Eleanor
Schiller, Barbara
Schlein, Miriam
Schloat, G. Warren
Schmatz, Pat
Schmidt, Harvey
Schmidt, Gary D.
Schoenherr, John 
Schotter, Roni 
Schreiber, Georges
Schultz, Jan Neubert 
Schulz, Charles
Schumacher, Julie
Schwandt, Stephen
Schwebel, Sara (Scott O'Dell collation)
Schweitzer, Iris
Scieszka, Jon
Scoppettone, Sandra
Scott, Ann Herbert
Scott, Mrs. Alma Olivia (Schmidt)
Sears, Paul McCutcheon 
Sebestyen, Ouida
Sedgwick, Marcus
Seiden, Art 
Seignobosc, Francoise
Selsam, Millicent
Sendak, Jack
Sendak, Maurice
Servello, Jo 
Seroff, Victor Ilyitch
Serraillier, Ian 
Seton, Ernest Thompson
Sewall, Marcia
Sewell, Helen
Shafer, Anders C.
Shannon, David
Shannon, George
Shannon, Terry
Shao, Ting-Ju
Shapiro, Irwin
Sharp, William
Shaw, Evelyn
Shaw, Richard
Shecter, Ben
Shenton, Edward 
Shepard, Ernest Howard
Shepherd, Amanda
Sherman, Theresa 
Shetterly, Will
Shimin, Symeon
Shinn, Everett
Showers, Paul
Shub, Elizabeth
Shulevitz, Uri
Shute, Linda 
Siberell, Anne
Sibley, Don
Sidjakov, Nicolas 
Sidman, Joyce
Siebel, Fritz
Siegal, Aranka 
Siegl, Helen 
Silverman, Mel 
Silverstein, Shel 
Simmons, Dawn Langley
Simon, Norma
Simont, Marc
Singer, Arthur 
Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Singer, Marilyn
Sinykin, Sheri Cooper
Sis, Peter

Skofield, James
Skurzynski, Gloria
Slate, Joseph 
Sleator, William 
Slepian, Janice B.
Slobodkin, Florence
Slobodkin, Louis 
Slobodkina, Esphyr
Slote, Alfred 
Small, David
Smith, Alvin
Smith, Doris Buchanan
Smith, Glanville Wynkoop
Smith, Howard Jerome
Smith, Jessie Willcox 
Smith, Lane
Smith, Lawrence Beall
Smith, Stephanie, A. 
Smucker, Barbara Claassen
Snell, Gordon
Snyder, Zilpha Keatley
Sobol, Donald J.
Söderhjelm, Kai
Soentpiet, Chris
Sokol, Bill
Solbert, Ronni 
Sommerdorf, Norma
Sorel, Edward 
Sorensen, Henri
Sorensen, Virginia Eggertsen
Sorenson, Margo
Sotomayor, Antonio
Southgate, Martha
Sperry, Armstrong
Spier, Peter
Spilka, Arnold
Spohn, David
St. Anthony, Jane
St. George, Judith
St. John, Wylly Folk 
Stadler, John
Stahl, Benjamin Albert 
Stallybrass, Oliver
Stanley, Diane 
Stanley, Fay
Staples, Suzanne Fisher 
Starkey, Marion Lena
Stauffacher, Sue
Steele, Mary Q.
Steele, William O. 
Steen, Vagn
Steichen, Edward
Steig, William
Stein, Harve 
Steiner, Charlotte
Steiner-Prag, Hugo
Stemple, David 
Stemple, Heidi E. Y.
Stern, Madeleine Battina
Stern, Marie Simchow 
Steven, Leslie 
Stevens, Janet
Stevermer, Caroline
Stewig, John Warren 
Stiles, Martha Bennett
Stinetorf, Louise 
Stobbs, William
Stock, Catherine
Stockton, Frank Richard
Stolz, Mary
Stone, Helen 
Stone, Nancy
Storr, Catherine
Stoutenberg, Adrien 
Stover, Jo Ann
Strachan, Margaret 
Streatfeild, Noel
Stringer, Lauren
Strommen, Judith Bernie
Stubblefield, Hord
Stubis, Talivaldis
Stull, Betty 
Suba, Susanne
Suckling, Eustace
Suggs, William
Sutcliff, Rosemary
Sutton, Margaret
Swanson, Susan Marie
Sweet, Melissa
Sypher, Lucy Johnston
Szekeres, Cyndy 

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